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Posted 26th April 2016No comments | Licking Black Pussy

Penis Smegma

Dr Phil: Body odour Do I smell? Undoubtedly. Everyone has his or her own idiosyncratic tincture, often so faint that it can only be detected by those who rub up

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Smegma (från grekiskans σμήγμα för tvål), är ett sekret som hos människor avsöndras från talgkörtlar innanför förhuden på penis hos män, eller i

Despite its smelly reputation, smegma is actually pretty important to our (sex) lives.

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Smegma (Greek smēgma) is a combination of shed skin cells, skin oils, and moisture. It occurs in both male and female mammalian genitalia. In female bodies, it

Smegma is a whitish substance that may be present on the genitalia. It is caused by the shedding of skin cells and it is harmless, although it may become problematic

Buildup of skin and other crud found between the foreskin and penis

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“Truth invites examination.” Aristotle “I am a human being. Nothing human is alien to me.” Terence “One can never be too rich or too thin or have too much foreskin.”

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An illustrated glossary of the intact penis anastomosis Cross-connection, esp. of veins in the foreskin. (Gk. ana- = back, stomos = opening, pl. anastomoses)

“The kingdom would probably cease to exist without smegma.” Thomas J. Ritter, MD “And they say, ‘Well, you’ll have cheese [if you’re not

Do not force the foreskin back over the tip of the penis. At first, a baby’s foreskin can’t be pulled back (retracted) over the head of the penis. After the first few

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