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Posted 2nd June 2015No comments | Licking Black Pussy

Cockatiel Feeding During Molt

A feather is a “dead” structure, analogous to hair or nails in humans and made of the same basic ingredient, the protein keratin. This means t

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Are you considering hand feeding your baby budgies? And even if you are planning on letting your pair raise them, are you prepared to step in and hand feed their

Cockatiels, How to purchase a healthy cockatiel, signs of a healthy cockatiel, quarantine for new birds.

Cockatiel care at provides bird care for cockatiels including bird information on cockatiel cages and bird baths, bird toys and playpens, taming

How Do I Know When My Cockatiel is Sick? As always the information offered here is to provide guidance and is not intended to be a substitute for the good advice

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There are many reasons why your cockatiel might have loose droppings. Just like humans, cockatiels might have a day where they might have eaten too much of something

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Cockatiels, Cockatiel, Feathers, Molting and Preening, what is molting, what is preening, how often do cockatiels molt, when do cockatiels molt, what is preening

Cockatiels – Cockatiels are small to medium sized native parrots (slightly larger than a budgerigar) weighing around 90-120 grams and measuring about

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COCKATIELS – ADVICE FROM A BREEDER. by Linda Greeson. So many books and articles have been written about Cockatiels I really hesitated for a long time before

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